For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) stationed in Canada, the journey is often one of profound sacrifice balanced with the deep connection they maintain with their families back home in the Philippines. At Move For Less, we recognize the unique challenges faced by OFWs and are dedicated to ensuring their parcels of love—Balikbayan boxes—bridge the gap […]
For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Canada, education is more than just a pathway to personal success, it’s an opportunity to lift entire families and future generations towards brighter prospects. Move For Less, committed to supporting the Filipino community, recognizes the power of education and facilitates the exchange of educational resources through our Balikbayan box […]
For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) newly arrived in Canada, experiencing a Canadian winter can be a striking contrast to the tropical climate of the Philippines. The harsh cold, snow, and shorter days present unique challenges but also opportunities to enjoy seasonal activities. Move For Less, a trusted partner for OFWs sending Balikbayan boxes back to […]
Across the expansive landscapes of Canada, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) find a sense of belonging and support through community groups specifically tailored for Filipinos. These groups not only provide a social outlet but also offer resources, advice, and a network of support that can be crucial for those thousands of miles away from home. Move […]
Across the vast expanse of Canada, in cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) embark on a journey far from the familiar warmth of the Philippines. These dedicated individuals, driven by dreams of providing for their families and securing a better future, navigate the challenges and opportunities of life abroad. Move For […]