How Move For Less Assists New International Students in Canada Ontario GTA Toronto

Life in Toronto

For Filipino international students in Canada, maintaining a connection to their cultural roots is vital. It provides a sense of identity and comfort while navigating life in a foreign country. Move For Less plays an instrumental role in this cultural preservation by facilitating the transport of items that keep students connected to their traditions. This […]

Celebrating the Flores de Mayo: A Filipino Tradition Flourishing in Toronto Canada Ontario GTA

Balikbayan, Life in Toronto, OFW Stories

Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May) is a festival held in the Philippines that celebrates the Virgin Mary with flowers, processions, and beauty pageants throughout the month of May. In Canada, this beloved Filipino tradition is not only preserved but also embraced with great enthusiasm by the Filipino community, providing a vibrant link to their […]

Nurturing Connections: The Impact of OFW Community Groups in Canada GTA Ontario

Balikbayan, Life in Toronto, OFW Stories

Across the expansive landscapes of Canada, Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) find a sense of belonging and support through community groups specifically tailored for Filipinos. These groups not only provide a social outlet but also offer resources, advice, and a network of support that can be crucial for those thousands of miles away from home. Move […]

Celebrating Filipino Traditions: A Glimpse into Cultural Events Across Canada Ontario GTA

Balikbayan, Life in Toronto, OFW Stories

In the vibrant multicultural tapestry of Canada, Filipino communities stand out for their passionate preservation and celebration of their rich cultural heritage. From coast to coast, Filipinos in Canada come together to celebrate traditional events that not only remind them of home but also share the beauty of Filipino culture with the broader Canadian society. […]

How OFWs Use Balikbayan Boxes to Cultivate Family Bonds in Ontario Canada GTA

Balikbayan, Life in Toronto, OFW Stories

In the narrative of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Ontario, Canada, and across the globe, remittances have long been the hallmark of their contribution to the family and national economy. However, Move For Less Balikbayan Box Courier sheds light on a tradition that is equally significant yet less quantifiable the sending of Balikbayan boxes. This […]

Lighting the Way Home of Balikbayan Boxes During the Festive Season in Canada Ontario

Balikbayan, Life in Toronto, OFW Stories

As the festive lights begin to sparkle across Ontario, Canada, the Filipino community, known for its warmth and closeness, prepares for a season of giving unlike any other. For Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) and immigrants, the festive season is a poignant reminder of home and the traditions they hold dear. Move For Less Balikbayan Box […]